Which products in your Google Shopping feed need optimization?

After spending lots of time creating your Google Shopping feed, you might think that your feed is great and done with for the next few years. You upload it to Google Adwords and head over to Google Search to check if any of your products are showing up. You try searching for the names of your first 5 products and see that NONE of the are showing up for Product Listing Ads (PLAs)!

From my experience the best way to optimize your feed is to see what your competition is doing. Are their prices, titles and description better than yours? If you have several thousand SKUs, it will take forever to cross compare this manually. Luckily for you there are pretty cool tools that can automatically tell you where your Google Shopping feed needs optimization. All you need to do then is adjust the feed accordingly. The IM-PACT tool tells you if you are price competitive on all your products as well as where you’re losing exposure because or poor keywords in the title.

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