When you create an Adwords campaign for Google Shopping or Product Listing Ads (PLAs), one thing you are NOT able to do (unlike with regular PPC) is see which of your products show up for particular keywords.
To get this kind of exposure data, I tried manually searching on Google to see if I was coming up for keywords like:
men’s ties
long men’s ties
fancy ties
modern ties
Of course my actual keyword list was several thousand keywords long. It would take me 5-6 hours to search for a thousand keywords, which is frankly too long.
I looked for tools that automated this annoying process, and found the IM-PACT tool, which tells you exactly which keywords I didn’t show up for in PLAs. Even more amazing is that it tells you which competitors are ahead of you by showing up on more PLAs than you are. Also interesting is that even the top guys like eBay and Ties.com had less than 30% coverage. Now I’m going to work on getting my coverage higher by adjusting keyword descriptions and bid prices.